Saturday, February 5, 2011

Photo A Day

Along with many other avocations, including woodworking, I am a photographer. I have literally thousands of $$$$$$ worth of photography equipment. The problem lately has been motivation. I've been watching videos, reading blogs and reading books until I'm now sick of doing those things. It's time to GET BUSY making pictures. motivation, I've committed to taking and posting a photo a day on this blog. I'll use off-camera flash whenever possible. And I'll be as creative as I can. My lovely wife is the more artistic one, so I'll tap her for inspiration whenever possible. She is not a photographer, so I'll handle the technical side and she the design side.

I'll also post tutorials as often as possible. I'll even include some videos when I think that they'll illustrate techniques better than photos. We use flash in all of its forms; from unaltered on-camera flash to multi-light off-camera set-ups.

I hope this blog inspires you to get out there and push the shutter button.

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